Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Ian, Jon and Nicks poem: The poem of all poems
That we are cool
To never close our eyes
To always pay attention, to what we can’t deny
Always sit next to the hot chick
To be best friends with the smart kid
To always know whose boss
How to fake sick
To never stop walking in the hall
To know your right as Freshmen
To always miss the bus, to come in your dad’s car
To use your restroom break at the right time
To lie like a pro to your teacher
Know the five D’s of dodge ball, Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive, and …. Dodge
To always have a comeback joke
To tell them what you really think
To never forget that one special teacher
To always spend time with your real friends
This is what we learned!
We went to high school
It was cool.
Learned a lot of stuff
Through thick and thin, it was rough.
Sports are a stress-relief
That is our belief.
Clubs were a big deal
That is how we feel.
English class is where I got my naps
To the beats of the finger snaps.
Other languages are such a bore,
I much rather learn history and war.
I guess school was great,
Now here comes college
Another 4 years
Of Learning and fun.
What We Learned In School
Four tardies and receive a in school suspension,
Six tardies and you’re out for three days.
Walk into school in the morning and the lobby’s crowded,
Walk down the hall and it’s crowded,
Surrounded by sweaty and annoying freshman.
Enter a classroom of a teacher you love,
It’s all fun and games throughout lessons,
Enter a classroom of a teacher you despise,
It’s all sleeping, texting, and eye rolling throughout lessons.
By: Amanda, Sagal, & Elissa
What we learned in High School
Alex Kaufman & Danny Maks
When Mr. Moore was mad his voice would crack
Saying us to “pick up the slack!”
And Mr. Davis, he was kind of weird
With his own music on iTunes
I learned from Mr. Sedlachek that formative assessment sucks
I learned that Mr. Fox was a little crazy
Mr. Shacter told us to think figuratively but also be logic
I learned that Mr. Sweeney was smart and way passed retired
That Mr. Hale should have been a college professor and was also human
Olentangy Liberty, why couldn’t you teach me real life things? Thank you
From Alex and Danny
Chelsea and Maggie
Mrs. Freese taught us to always stay organized
And have neat, simple power points
But she was never all that simple.
She was very outgoing,
Always had a huge smile.
She helped us see our future
But took each step day by day
Her outfits were the cutest,
We miss her everyday!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sweet Like A Crow
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
What I Learned About School - Jon
"And they mainly want to teach them not to question, not to challenge, not to imgaine, ut to be obedient and behave well so that they can hold them forever as children to their bosoms as the second millennium lurches toward its panicky close."
I like to think that I have a knack for seeing through the smoke, and while I was a student in High School my teachers were good friends because of how I questioned the sources of my knowledge. This poem was powerful to me because I could relate and find the dark humor underlying Stern's words. This poem reminds me of all the hours spent reading textbooks then all the hours finding where the books got their smarts.
I, Too, Sing America
Eng 109.01
Journal 8/Nov 23, 2010
Even though there is no set rhyme to the poem but there is a small rhythm get into as you read it. This line is such a simple little observation that adds to the cold morning air but it is so much more. This metaphor gives life to the boy's breath and gives you a vivid mental picture of watching your own breath every time its cold. It makes you wonder if your breath makes little sculptures in the air.
I flashed back to my time spent at the bus stop. I vividly remember one winter morning at the bus stop. The temperature was at or below 20 degrees, there was a foot of snow and of course i was wearing shorts and a hoodie. As i walked the two streets to the corner i just always saw my breath. So i changed my breathing to make weird patterns in the frigid sky. I sped up my breath, slowed it down and made short fast breaths. As i waited the 5 or 15 minutes for the bus to get there, i pretended i was smoking then thought to blow "smoke" rings and failed.
Overall i felt very mellow and reminiscent about my childhood and my childish conquests.
jounral 8
I, too, sing America
Poem Response
English 109.01
journal 8
"But they don't want them to discuss current events because it might be controversial and upset them and make them want to take drugs which they already have told them all about". This quote stood out the most to me because it contradicts an issue in which was already brought up in the beginning of the poem. I think the meaning of the words also stood out to me because the current happenings usually lead to people using drugs.
This poem made me feel like this statement was very true. Alot of people turn to drugs or even alcohol when they aren't satisfied with happenings in our society, whether it's based on their personal choices or the choices of others that influence them.
Poem Response
For Brothers Everywhere
toward rims hung like pinatas, pinned
like thunderclouds to the sky's wide chest"
I have to say these 3 lines are my favorite from this poem. It's my favorite because the use of metaphors. The use of metaphors describe the basketballs and the rims really well.
This poem reminds me of the game of basketball. Honestly it reminds of two groups playing basketball against each other and/or having free style contests such as having a dunk contest. This poem made me feel energetic, wanting to play basketball with some friends. This is so because of how the author wrote it. I can relate this to life by simply just playing a real game of basketball with some friends.
Poem Response
This reminded me of how schools want us to be creative but they still don't teach us certain things in fear that we might learn something new or different that isn't socially acceptable. It made me feel that it's the truth that school like certain things to be taught and not taught in schools. I think that this poem basically just wants people to think for themselves and I agree with that.
Monday, November 15, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Pop Culture Influences: YouTube
Jonathan J. Youse
English 109.01
Journal 7, 11/11/10
When you think of societies most valuable sources of knowledge, entertainment, and communication, the internet is the immediate end all be all destination. Then there are few different pillars that hold up the bulk of the internet's sources of the information listed above. The most pronounced destinations on the world wide web, is Google, Facebook, and Youtube. Between these three vast search engine websites you can locate massive sources of information, current events both political and local, and the most recent viral videos.
When I think of the most influencial and popular locations on the web these three come to my mind, all of which have helped to complete academic research, supported my social communication with friends and family, and have distracted me from both school and society with mind-numbing videos posted of pranks, cats, and auto-tuned non-sense. My favorite by far has to be YouTube, it enables any person to upload a video of themselves or others whether to educate or entertain. I have never have posted a video before but i am constantly coming to this website for reviews of movies and technology. I think that YouTube has a great impact on todays society between entertainment, expresionnism, education and an empowerment to men and women from all over the world.
(Below is a website discussing the Social Effects of YouTube further, with other sources of information and other reasons for debate on both positive and negative influences)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Pop Culture Influences

When I think about pop culture influences in my life, many things come to mind. The internet, television shows, music, and movies are just a few pop culture influences. I think music is the most influential to me. I love listening to music and I spend a majority of my time listening to music. Although there are a few tv shows that I watch regularly, I am not a big fan of watching it. Usually, I prefer to watch movies or just listen to music while I surf the internet instead of watching tv. Often, I find myself comparing the music I listen to to events or people in my life. Alot of the music I listen to connects to a past relationship, a friendship, or an event that has happened or is happening in my life at the time. I listen to a variety of music and each type connects differently to my life. I think listening to music is a positive influence because it helps you relax and relieve stress. However, I think most types of music have negative influences on people and how they should act. But, I also feel like all types of pop culture influences have both negative and positive influences. More information about music can be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Here is a link to where you can find more information on facebook and how is affects teens and adults.

Tyler Hughes
Eng 109.01
Journal 7/Nov 4, 2010

This show is truly amazing but it teaching me to become vengeful. This is something negative because being this way leaves you to become very lonely in life because you never learn to forgive. It is also teaching me, very literally, that it is okay to kill someone has long as you can justify it by your own standards not the standard of the law, which is what you are supposed to follow.

"You got a friend in me." The Toy Story movie series has been one of the most influencing movie growing up and now with the new movie Toy Story three. These movies have been a positive influence on my because it focus a lot on friendship and how impoertant it is to people. Also the main human character was my age. So when Toy story three came out the human character was going off to college. Some how the movie felt real to. Every kid felt at one point there toy moved when they aren't around and also the story bring up ideas that good friends will always be there no matter how bad the situation. Even now at 19 the movies almost made me cry because it was something i grower up with and now it had an ending. However, with ever ending there is a new beginning and the movie had that at the end. Andy had to give up his toy, buzz and woody and all the other, because he was going to college, but he gave them up to a new little kid where all new adventures can begin. :)
Austin Carlile is cool

Call of Duty

Pop Culture

Pop culture to me

The Influence of Popular Culture on a Person

Journal 7

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Mrs. L
To be honest I have never really been a “teachers pet” or even well liked by many teachers. I was always known for goofing around in class, always trying to make people laugh and take their minds off the seriousness of school. The only time I felt like I ever got along with teachers was when I was a young girl attending St.Peter Catholic School. Classes were way smaller where you connected with the teachers better, but also, who doesn’t get along with their elementary school teachers?
Thinking of a teacher who had impacted me in a positive way was really hard to think of. I was thinking of my middle school teachers, but no one stood out. Then I was trying to think of any high school teacher, still no luck. For this paper I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to use an elementary teacher, but she’s the only teacher I can say put a positive impact on me. My teacher Mrs. L was my first grade teacher. She was a beautiful old lady, inside and out. She always made me feel like I should have nothing to be afraid of in class and should never be afraid to ask questions. This lady knew the person I really was. She looked way deeper into children than most teachers and always welcomed you with a warm smile and a little hug around the shoulders.
I received Student of the Month, which was a big deal at Saint Petes. I remember her writing, on the paper they hung up in the hallway, about how I was such a smart child with a warm smile that would cheer anyone up. She talked about me as a person and not just for my academic achievements. Reading that made me feel special. I was only in first grade and that stuck with me till this day. She was the person who reminded me to keep laughing and smiling and do the same for other people. That is how Mrs.L influenced me through out life.
Our writers.
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